I’m trying to align multiple circles in a line and equidistant apart. Is there a tool or recommended approach to do this? Thanks!
Hey Andinco,
have you tried using the pattern-feature in the sketch-section, yet?
You can delete the patten-constrain after the operation if you want to alter the diameters of the circles.
Cheers Matt
Thanks for sharing that Matt. I hadn’t tried it and that helps for getting them linear, but I don’t think it’ll work for equidistant as I’m trying to create equal space between each edge not each center point. Any thoughts?
I would draw a second line (can use construction line here if you want), parallel to the one you want to align the sketches to, in the distance you want the circles, start with a pattern for the circles like Matt did, then break the pattern, and use the tangent constraint with the circles and the “guide” line.
There you are:
I hope I got your design intent right this time!?
Cheers Matt
Yes, that’s it! Thanks, Matt! Appreciate the help!
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