Align help, bug, suggestions, changes

Hi all,
I am working on a new design the last couple of weeks. I reported as a possible bug with screen shots to shar3d already. Regarding the align tool. I tried aligning one half of a hing to the other half to lay flat on top of each other. Simple enough since these are just to flat sections. It does not align the parts perfectly. So I have to spend a lot of my design time just tweaking the design to align the parts. Also i have a rectangle wall design and i align one half of the hinge to the side of the wall. It still does not align perfectly, either. But then after manually adjusting the alignment, i want to move and copy said hinge to place 3 hinges on the side of my wall. When I drag the arrow in the move tool, along the wall it does not stay aligned with the wall. So, after coping the hinge I have to spend a ton of time re-aligning the hing to the wall. This might be that when i align lets say to walls together it is not truly aligned straight and true. Sonthat might be one reason. I am not sure.

Second question is a suggestion. I have a group of walls and hinges. These are setup the exact way i want to print them. Now, i want to flip and mirror the group. This I did already. Now, i want to align this group with the other walls. I can’t perform this function as a group. The only way I can align a part is one at a time. There are a lot of times that I want to align a group of parts together. So this functionality is very important to me. Also, I am trying to find ways that AI can help me with these mundane tasks. I would have had my design done by now if i didn’t have to spend most of the design time with these tasks that are perfect for an AI to perform for me. The power of AI.

I’d start here…Align is useful...when you know how to use it!

You could also look into using Translate…