Annotations-Lettering/Text-Labels- within Shapr3D

For a real life test and to enable a comparison between old and new methods I decided to update the original File for this Tachometer, the earlier version is shown in:

In the new version the Dial Face and Hour Meter have been replaced. Two Items Image 01 and Image 02 have replaced 120 Items in the original version. In Items [on left] those replaced have been Hidden, but it can be seen from the recorded numbers that they, collectively, contain the original items:

The Images were produced using appropriate Software, to create and remove and trim the Background.
This is not the quick and easy route explained in my first Post, however it is easier and quicker to create complex colour combinations using familiar software. Clearly it is capable of producing satisfactory output, being satisfied is another story.
Refurbishment could have continued but enough of the old version had to be left for comparison.