Apple Pencil Selection on iPad

I have been using Shapr3D on the Mac with a mouse and I just tried using the Apple Pencil 2 on my iPad Pro 3rd Gen. When I try to select an object it immediately goes to sketch mode and not let me select. What am I missing. I have looked at several of the trainings and this does not seem to be normal.

Thanks in advance for help,


Hi Bill, probably you are moving the Pencil. Can you share a video of the issue?


This is the issue. I have shaky hands and when I set the stylus on the screen a slight movement translates to me wanting to draw. If i concentrate on holding the pencil steady it activates select mode. It would be nice to add a selection to turn this off. Or give the option of how you start.

Thank you for your quick response.


Broebing and Istvan,

Did you solve your issues with the pencil on iPad?

I am a new user to Shapr3d and CAD. I’m also a new user to the iPad. I have Installed Shapr on my Mac Book Pro (with 3DConnection Space Mouse and Cad Mouse) and my iPad Pro (with the iPad Pencil Pro). I am using the iPad when I travel but I am having what sounds like the same issues you are having with the iPad pencil Pro.

I have a one on one Shapr3d tutor so no issues with operating the software but the pencil is really getting frustrating for me and my tutor, to the point where it is slowing our sessions significantly. Does anyone know if the Pro pencil is overkill for Shapr? could this be the problem? When I’m in sketch mode just trying to draw a line the pencil is so sensitive that it takes me several tries to activate the line draw function.

Would it help to just a standard Mac pencil? I chose to use the iPad for its simple intuitive experience that many seem to enjoy.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thank you,


I had to quit using the iPad and Apple Pencil. I have essential tremors and it just was too difficult to use. I have been looking at the space mouse. I would like to try one before I invest in one.


Ok, thank you for the update.

With the space mouse you can set the response rate so you may find this feature helps to offset your tremors.



Can you please let me know if the standard Apple Pencil is better to use than the Pro version? I am have a lot of troubles just doing simple tasks with my Apple Pro pencil.

Thank you,


Hi Dave,

Both pencils should work flawlessly with your iPad.

Can you please upload some screen recordings about the issues you have? Before recording, please visit the Settings of your iPad, scroll down to Shapr3D in the applications and enable the showing of Display Pencil and touches.


My apologies I have been out of town and did not check back for a reply to my request for help.

I believe I have resolved my issues by disabling nearly all of the setting for the Apple Pencil Pro.

Thank you!
