Bug on autosave / auto backup

Shapr3d was forced to close automatically (maybe there was minor updates), Then I reopened my design. The autogenerated backup folder no longer appears, however some of the bodies in my design are messy.
It’s not missing the last few steps but it’s like a bug that the app fails to save some steps involving curve shapes or maybe fails to save Union and Subtract order. I made the body a few moments before the last step. It happened to me 4 times.

This is what it should look like before the app is force closed (I’ve fixed it)

This is after I opened my design after force closing the app. I edited this part moments before the last step. 3 bodies are affected, red, gray and green.

This is my last step, drawing this sketch.

I experienced this bug after Parametric update. Maybe this will happen every time I force close the app, but I won’t try it. I hope the Shapr3d team can fix it. Thank you.

Hi there, can you share the .shapr file so we can investigate it? You can attach it here or if it is confidential you can send it to our support team https://support.shapr3d.com/hc/en-us/requests/new

File sent via your link with ID number 99575

I have another issue when exporting the file to .shapr.
I design this model on my old M2 Ipad. I exported it to .shapr to send it for you.
Before I send it I try to open in on a new project but this happened:

The model should looks like this:

My 1st open attempt on M2:

My 2nd open attempt on M2:

I opened on my PC:

I though maybe there is an error with my installed app on M2 so I tried to open in on my new M4 Ipad with a fresh app:

I reopened the original design on M4, export in to .shapr, and imported it on a new project. It is still the same:

I hope you can fix it. Thanks

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Hi @Terbaik

seems like you have two separate problems, sync and export+import.

Regarding the second problem, same king of thing happened to me.
In my case it was some replace face steps that were “corrupted” : when I opened them in history, instead of the single destination face I had selected, all the faces of the object were selected; as a result, the replace face failed as well as all the following steps related to it. Fixing the few faulty replace face was enough to recover the expected result, but next export-import will still fail in my case.

We are still investigating the issue. We were able to fix the workspace and export it in X_T format. @ZsofiGy is taking care of the ticket you submitted. She will send you this fixed workspace soon.