Can get offset to work only sometimes

Hi- new to 3D design. I can’t figure out why the offset tool works with some of my designs and not others? The design turns blue, so I’m assuming it’s closed? Please help! Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi please can you send us a short screen recording of a scenerio where it fails and also the Shapr design file via
We will take a look and then get back to you.

Hi, it said I can’t upload since I’m a new member, so I emailed support as suggested. I also don’t know how to do a screen recording.


Are you on an iPhone/iPad?

Settings —> Control Center —> Customize Controls —> ensure “screen recording” is in the include section (press the green circle with the plus). Now swipe down from the top right corner of your device. You should see a button with a solid dot and a circle around the dot. This is the screen record button. Tap it once and a few seconds later you’ll be recording everything you do on the phone. You stop recording by taping on the red area at the top left of your device and then selecting “stop recording”. The video/screen capture you just made will be in your photos app.

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