Cannot select items/folders in file

I’ve created a fairly simple item and have been working on it for a while. Just a few days ago I opened it for some edits, but I cannot access anything in the Items list, everything is greyed out and unavailable. I’ve tried closing it, restarting the program entirely but there’s no way to change it. I can still edit the items that were previously visible on the screen but can’t unhide anything or select anything in the Items list. Even when I create a new folder, it immediately is greyed out and inaccessible.

Hello there. You have “isolation mode” turn on.
Turn it off and it will works again

It’s just there.

Btw that part looks great. It is for some electronics?


J’ai été piégé plusieurs fois par l’isolation. Bravo

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Maybe there should be some better indication that you are in isolation mode.

Because I also get stuck there quite often :slight_smile:

Awesome, thanks! I have been using section view, must have clicked a little too high :slight_smile:

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