Can't export 3d printable files .. PLEASE HELP

I purchased the pro version, thinking I could use it to design then export the stl or 3mf files fro printing. When I export the files they export fine but when I drag them into bambu studio so I can slice them for print it says that the object is empty.
Can someone help me with this.
I want to export from SHAPR and IMPORT in bambu studio for printing.

Welcome Darryl
Please do not create 2 identical topics. I answered in the first one.

Works great for Prusa slicer. Must be a bambu problem. Send my a simple 3mF and I can see if it opens in Prusa.

Hi Darryl,

Here is a simple file of a cube. It slices OK with PrusaSlicer. After you unzip it, what do you get with Bambu? (1.7 KB)

I had no trouble printing my Stl files in Bambulab. I was not able to get Bambu to recognize 3mf files though, but it can probably be done. I just didn’t need it so I didn’t do the research.