Can't upgrade to Pro. Why? How to fix it?

While trying to purchase year subscription I get failed every time. I have reset the iPad pro, the Apple account, even changed…nothing works. I can’t upgrade to Pro version. HELP!!!

What is the error message? Unfortunately the in app purchase is completely managed by Apple, you may have to contact the support.

Hi, I’m quoting the answer we gave to another user, please let us know whether this helped or not!

Hi, is your iPad Pro relatively new (few days old)? If so than this might be a security thing by Apple where they block purchases if you restore the stuff from your old iPad to the new one. Please contact them and they will unblock you.

Hello Vikor could it be your in app purchase button is off.

Do you have the same issue?

Hello Istvan yes I did have the same issue.

Did you manage to solve it?

Yep it may have been because I already had the free version so it then is classed as an in app purchase.

Dear Perer,

 Where should be that App button? Because on General Setup of the App only appears one: Tutorial enabled/disabled. Furthermore, I couldn't be able to find that option inside the App. 

I'll appreciate some help on this asap, please!


Dr. Victor Oller
Physicist, Ph.D
DDS. Oral Implantology
Telecomm Engineer, BS
Co-founder at®
M.: +34 622 503 660
TradeManager: es108600463

<< Sent via Victor’s iPhone 6s >>

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General > Restrictions > In-App Purchases

Hi Istvan,

Actually no restrictions at all. Restrictions disabled. So...? What would be the problem?

Victor Oller
Co-Founder & Technology Manager
Physicist, Ph.D
Telecomm Engineer, BS
M.: +34 622 503 660
M.: +57 300 746 67 87
M.: +86 138 16 20 40 12
TradeManager: es108600463
SKYPE: vikor77

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Can you make a screenshot please?

Hi Victor sorry not got back quicker Istvan right, on your IPad itself go to settings, general,then restrictions there you will find the in app purchase button.

Hi P3t3,
I already done it: SETTINGS -> GENERAL -> RESTRICTIONS. But I have no restrictions at all cos RESTRICTIONS is DISABLED. To test it I purchased another App without any problem. However, I need to go Pro on Shapr3D asap and cannot do it. BTW, I am in Hong Kong and my Apple Store is in Spain, but nevertheless I purchased once before Shapr3D failed so I really do not know how to deal with this. Please I’ll appreciate any help!!!

Can you please post a screenshot of the go-pro screen?

This issue has been successfully resolved. :slight_smile:

As suspected, the problem was on Apple’s side again.


Apple has a very strict policy for new devices and does not allow you to buy or subscribe to big amount purchases for “security reasons”. It could mean that you can buy some apps in the App Store, but you can’t buy other apps, like Shapr3D. This could also happen when you change your old iPad to a new iPad Pro and want to transfer all your apps.


As the problem is on Apple’s side, you have to contact them directly and get the issue resolved. We can’t do it for you. But it is a really fast and easy process.

This is what you should do:

1 // Contact Apple on one of their Support channels.

We recommend you to use:

2 // They will contact you within 24 hours

You have to let them know what the issue is (“I can buy apps in the App Store, but can’t subscribe to Shapr3D.”). They will know instantly what the problem is and direct you to the person in charge (usually a Senior Advisor for iTunes in California).

3 // They will remove the restriction within 24 hours

That’s it. From here on, you will be ready to subscribe to Shapr3D!

Enjoy your PRO Shapr3D and happy modeling! :slight_smile: