Changing Anchor Point Corner

I have looked thru the manual, and I have looked thru the forum. I can’t find mention of changing the location of an anchor point location on a sketch. If I have a rectangle sketch, is it possible to change the location of the anchor point? I know normally the origination point is the anchor point for rectangle created in the diagonal form. Can the anchor point corner be changed?
Thank you.

Curious, is there a reason to change the anchor point?

I know anchor point lets you change dimensions starting from that direction. If thats what you want you can lock one of the corners.

You can get rid of the anchor points by disconnecting a rectangle and adding constraints again.

By default Shapr always seems to take the bottom left corner of a rectangle as the anchor point, no matter which corner you started the draw from (unless thats just my install)
As soon as you lock any other corner that will be the anchored point, until you unlock it.

It’s these purple X.

yes, those purple ‘X’ things, I am calling those anchor points, but, perhaps I am using the wrong name. I noticed some differences in moving items on the screen (iPad) with the Pencil, depending on where that little purple ‘X’ is located. Behaviors like snapping to lines and line intersections, and I thought if there was a way to change the anchor point, it would solve some of my issues. Now I am wondering if I just need to increase my knowledge level with the shapr3d app. Perhaps I need a upgrade for myself.
Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it.

It depends on what mode you used to draw the rectangle. You have the option of corners or center. If you draw a center referenced rectangle, the anchor point is at the center of the rectangle.

I know that :grin:
Trey was referring to changing corners
No matter which way you drag a rectangle as per Scalemodel’s examples.
When you change the dimensions the rectangles they still change in the same directions, and ignore the purple cross.