I’ve seen users on youtube videos click on these circular menus that pop up, but I’ve never seen these while using the program myself and can’t figure out how to access them. How do we access these? In the example below, a button on a SpaceMouse was programmed to cause the menu to popup, so there must be a keyboard command to trigger it. Or maybe this menu is something generated by SpaceMouse and is not part of Shapr3D? They remind me of the mouse gesture menus that SolidWorks has (which is a great feature if you ever want to steal that idea in a future release )
How old were the videos?
Fairly recent, like 2023. I figure it out though, it was the SpaceMouse creating the menus. My coworker had a spacemouse and let me borrow it and I was able to create similar menus. It’s really an underrated feature, it is pretty awesome to be able to create your own in-app menus like that with up to 8 items. When I tried to do the same thing with SolidWorks it didn’t work out as well, as it didn’t have SolidWorks specific actions in the SpaceMouse menu builder the way it does when used with Shapr3D. So that’s pretty awesome that Shaper put effort into integrating its features into SpaceMouse.