Command to show/hide selection

Hopefully this is a fairly simple feature request:

I would love to have a command to quickly toggle the visibility of the selected bodies/sketches/planes/etc. It’s quite time-consuming and workflow-derailing to have to navigate through folders and tap each eyeball button one at a time, when the app already makes selecting a swath of objects very easy. I want to tap a set of bodies, or drag out a selection, or do Select All and then deselect a few, then hit command-shift-H (or something) to hide the selected objects so I can focus on the remaining ones.

And while I’m here: “Hide All but Selection” would be another huge timesaver.

Please consider adding these!


Placing items in a folder, and selecting the Eye for that folder, doesn’t work?

Well it works, sure, but I can’t reorganize my whole object tree every time I want to show or hide a set of things. It also takes much longer than hiding the objects individually.

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Totally agree here.

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Totally agree. I would love to be able to select one or a few objects I want to work on and then hide (or even shade out like sketchup does) everything else to give me a clear working space.

Definitely don’t want to be rearranging my folder structure every time I want to do this, which is a lot in a complicated design. Just select and hide/hide everything else. Simple and quick.



It would be a huge time-saver if you could shift-click an item’s eye icon and it hides everything else, and then toggle back and forth as you click… like Photoshop. Additionally, you should be able to click and hold over an eye icon and drag up/down to hide/show the layers you pass over… again like Photoshop.

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