Connecting to circles with arcs at an angle?

Hi :slight_smile:

I am not able to get my head around this.
I have a 3D scan in which I placed objects. Now I hid the object and am trying to connect them with a tube/pipe. The tricky part is, it is a different angle on both axis.

How can I do that?


I would delete the inner face of the tube, so it’s not shelled, then you could loft the end of it to the sketch easily. After that step, you can add the shell again to set the tube thickness. It’s usually a good idea to shell as a last action, in this case, loft cannot be done because of it.


Thanks for your answer!
If I do that, I would just create a direct path.
Maybe I didn’t choose the right words.

I am trying to connect it at an angle because it will be injection molded it has to be at one angle all the way through. I did this with loft and guided it with arcs but I can’t get the arcs to connect to the right points as it is either on the wrong X or Y position. I need a way to draw a “tilted” pipe.

I can manually tilt the lines but it is very hard to get it perfect manually - if not impossible

Guided Loft may be a better option for you. There’s quite a few topics with video clips on the forum.

Yes, as @Stephen mentioned, guided loft can help you with achieving the specific angle.