Contraint not active then can't select circle

Version: 5.420.0.5374 #987f711c

While trying the challenge (not in the correct units), I ran into a case where constraints would not appear when I selected a line. To fix I tried to exit the drawing (still in app) and open the drawing again. When I come back in that circle (the last thing I drew) I could not select it to add a constraing.

I created a different shapr3D account (to make sure I do not mess up my regular account) so maybe this is a problem for “free accounts” but I don’t think so.

Is it safe for me to use my “production” account or can you set this account to the same as my prod account? “shapr3dbeta@y…” ?

Looking at this more I think the “plane” is masking the circle so I have to select it from the bottom view.

Also, switched to my prod account and looks isolated. I will use that going forward

Hey, thanks for reporting this bug!

I cannot tell for certain, but it looks like our interim UI solution might be interfering with the native UI and gesture handling system in the latest alpha build.

While I cannot commit to specifics, these kinds of problems will be gone for good in the not-so-distant future :wink:

The beta application stores your data in a system which is independent of the normal release, so there is nothing to worry about in this regard. User account type does not affect any functionality in HBPM either.

Next time when you submit a video of something not working in the app please make sure to turn on the (weirdly named) tutorial more in the iOS settings:

This way we can see exactly where you are tapping on the screen in the repro.

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