Create for CNC?

I’ m looking forward to buy a CNC 3 axle engraver in order to carve molds(wood). I was wondering if some users of shapr3d are currently using the software for this specific purpose? In this case what is the worflow you’re using, type of exports, etc?

I do use Shapr3D and export STL files for use in Vectric Aspire for a portion of my 3D CNC work.
Create your 3D design in Shapr3D, then use the Export function, choose STL, and save it somewhere where you can access it for the CNC preparation work. In Aspire, I import the STL file and merge it with whatever I’m working on, then create the Toolpaths for my CNC. These images were a file I purchased but edited slightly in Shapr3D. Then exported to Aspire.


Thanks. This is exactly the kind of answer I was looking for.
Important point, you’re exporting to stl. I guess stl is a pretty common interchange file that is well processed along the 3d chain either print or carved

While STL isn’t ideal for a number of processes, it works well with Aspire or their other carving software products. While I can create almost anything 3D with Aspire, I find it far easier to use Shapr3D to create or modify designs, than in Aspire. Often I use Shapr3D to render something I’ve made in Aspire to show customers.

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I Use shaper3D, I also use a cnc-router quite a bit. (Although never such a complex model as McD`s bird)

A lot of the cnc-work is done in the CAM program as you probably know,
Although I really like shaper3D I, find most of the work i need to do (for CNC) I´ll get by with just using V-carve (like a budget Aspire).
It all depends on how complex the design is really. ( And if you have to present it to a client or not,( then use Shaper3D ))
Creating a 3dmodel is one thing - Making the G-code another. I have no worries Shaper3D isn´t up to the work, but I suggest you look into the cam software as well. Much like McD, I really like Vectric as well.
I have tried fusion 360, Vectorworks, IronCad, but for my jobs, Shaper3d and V-carve works really well (and is maybe the cheapest solution as well).

Good luck! cnc-routing is fun (and dusty)…

I ultimately changed to a different Eagle design and combined it with other Shapr3D work. Exported and machined on CNC. Here’s the carving.


Beautiful carving, Tom!

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Wow that is fantastic, great Job. Was most of it designed in Shapr3D.

The Eagle and branch were purchased files. But I modified them in Shapr3D. Combined with other Shapr3D elements, then exported STL into Aspire. I haven’t tried the 3MF format yet, to see how well that works. I’m doing another project now all in Shapr3D then will export it again. Creating the Shark in Aspire is complicated, but much easier with Shapr3D.

Totally rocks, very nice carving. What kind of wood is this? What brand is you CNC?

The material is HDU (high density urethane) excellent for carving. The machine is a 5x10’ Laguna smart Shop II.

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