Hi Guys,
Firstly : I am totally impressed with this app and simplicity and speed of use and most likely your tutorials and response to forum questions. Very hands on with us as subscribers and very interactive. Keep up the amazing development.
I seem to have two profiles… One under craig@kfi.co.nz or www.kfi.co.nz which is my industrial “construction engineering” work and also in a sideline of orders@littleoak.co.nz which is our cafe and bakery business in which I design and build our new businesses and roll them out around our locality. You can find us on Facebook under Little Oak Cafe and Bakery
Background on CAD: I have used Archicad for 20 years and have difficulty in shifting to another program. I am learning Fusion 360 as the next most logical program for production of my designs. Logical because I operate on Mac and have difficulty in changing to Windows ( archicad operates perfectly on Mac ) Its very hard to to change once you have become intuitive with a particular program ! This is presumably why autodesk provides free licence to students, and maybe why I am learning Fusion360 on a Mac.
Lets be realistic to assume I have only utilised 5-10% of what is possible in Shapr3d … We can all see that it has tremendous scope already.
Complex Assemblies.
Utilising all my façade and engineering background I have an upcoming project designing a commercial greenhouse system for myself that will have fully automated pumping systems, and an automated feed system ( both electrically and mechanically ) integrated into this design.
As such I will need to create a library of modular parts to drag and drop / insert into my varying designs.
Aside from making all individual components on Shapr3d and exporting them to a layup platform of another program … is there a future or a way that you see this to be entirely possible in Shapr3d?
I have considered that “Inventor” is most likely the program I need to design a complete “Plant” design but I am just checking how I can pull this together in the most practical way hopefully utilising Shapr3d as the backbone to component design.
Craig Marshall