Cut list add on

Aloha! I have been looking for a program to design woodworking projects and as much as i like shaper3d i found that sketch up has an extension that will generate a materials and cut list with many layout options ext. i believe you can even apply prices and generate an overall cost for the build…

Is there anything like that for shapr3d? Or do i need to invest in sketch up?


Hi, this is not possible in the app. The feature is not on our near plans and I will pass on your feedback to our product team.


Thats unfortunate, lost business i guess

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My question is very similar. A material and cut list would be a very useful feature!

If it isn’t possible to get in all details, probably it is possible to get just a simple one. With e.g. shape names and sizes? In a e.g. csv file format? As a “new export” capability.


I can’t believe someone commented on this just 11 hours ago. Anyway, I, too, would like to see this feature. I just spent a bunch of time drawing a model (and money on Shapr3D) and I can’t print out a cut list to go make the thing.

I’m sure people use this software for a billion different ways, but as a woodworker, it’s kind of useless to create a model if I can’t get a list of parts. I guess I could take my expensive iPad into my sawdust-filled shop and individually refer to each part independently.


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Shapr is evolving. Stay tuned.

Hi @Sawyer

It’s not a cut list, but might it help if you could print out a dimensioned drawing and take that to your workshop instead?


How do we escalate the addition of cutlists and 2d diagrams with dimensions?

Without these 2 capabilities, it doesn’t seem like Shapr3d is woodworker friendly.

Am I missing something?

I just purchased an iPad Pro today (over $1K) specifically for Shapr3d.
I was watching the Shapr3d tutorials to view the process and capabilities.
Great for design but not useful as a tool for creating.

Again, am I missing something?

What tool would woodworkers out there (eg furniture builders) suggest using?



I have already complained about the same thing. It’s really sad. My trial period ends in two days, I think I will go with Fusion 360, as I have done in the past. I really love Shapr3D, because of it’s a native app for both iOS and macOS. Unfortunately, from a pragmatic point of view, it is not really user friendly for woodworking projects. :confused:

Thank you for your response.

Is Fusion as simple and intuitive?

Not as intuitive as Shapr3D and it won’t run on a tablet. It was what I used before Shapr3D. If you use the history timeline, it requires careful planning or else you may find that changes late in the timeline require you to go back and fix a bunch of earlier steps, which really annoyed me.

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Thank you for the update.

I love Shapr3d’s interface. I’ve only used it on my iPad, as I can’t get the Win10 version to download. I wanted to use Shapr3d, as it is more intuitive than SketchUp, but it’s not really that useful is I can’t generate a cut list from it. Why isn’t it available, and are there plans to add that feature in the future?


That’s unfortunate.
AN accessible, user definable database and a method of transferring the captured data to an external app such as a spreadsheet is essential for any form of practical work

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I guess the woodworking buisness is big :slight_smile:

Hi Colleagues

has the issues of the Cut list or Dimensioned Drawing Been Resolved is There any updates or Plugin Related to this?

I do some woodworking in my (rare) leisure time. I subscribed and was waiting for this feature a long time. Then it was made kind of available with a “super premium price.” More for building the next generation enterprise spaceship. Not for some hobbies. Sorry product management and marketing department, that’s a wrong approach. Canceled my subscription, still on this mailing list. Waiting.

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Made it simple like this. ’
Added a X number on each part to know how many to make.
Small simple cabinet with a door.


Thx. Still not a cut list which could be sent to a sawmill easily. And used later in your own work shop atelier.

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Yeah…this needs to happen! Progress is definitely being made, but cultists are pretty basic. Even the Blum cabinet configurator will provide this. Can’t understand why this has not been implemented?!