Deleting sketch deletes whole body help!

So basically I was designing a stencil for school and after printing realised I dont like the font so went to delete the letters and for some reason cant without it deleting the whole model? It also deletes the model if I try to delete the sketch through the parametric menu. Not sure why this is happening since the particular sketches have noting to do with the body but would really appreciate any guidance to help out

Search this need help section. Asked and answered many many times.

…actually not a useful answer there in the least, as SEARCHING for this topic, brought me here to begin with! I have the same issue this evening. tonight suddenly I cannot export in any format, none of the 100’s of files here will export to ANY format. I simply get export faills. We too lost 5+ hrs work inadvertently deleting sketches and loosing the model(s). I understand the logic of being able to adjust your steps (via history) but if you’re not using that, it shouldn’t wipe out your model! You need to place a software switch there to pick which mode or something! This one episode is enough to make me dump Shapr3D. Time ($$) just lost would have paid for a full up Rhino or other such license!

If you open the history, click on “history”, here you can choose whether to keep the sketches or not, then merge…if something wrong use the undo…

That’s a dumb decision made by development , they want to overcomplicate waty nobody asked them to, this app is going downfall

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Actually, a lot of people asked for parametric modeling.


It’s not just a matter of drawings and sketching attachments. It’s the idea that deleting a sketch, deletes the part. THAT is NOT the way CAD works. Having to ‘merge’ and select whether to keep or delete drawings is a band aide around what was need to make the parametric modeling work. A History of ‘undos’ works fine in any app. This one lets you EDIT rather than just ‘undo’ that step. BUT… it’s obvious it’s incomplete. These two should NOT be connected, as they are editable independently. EG: edit a part post sketch and the sktech is not valid for that part any longer. Parametric should be a ‘mode’ not a ‘only way to do it’.