Unable to delete some sketches

I am unable to delete sketches/sketch planes without deleting all bodies that were extruded from that sketch plane. I also cannot trim aspects of a sketch out without deleting all bodies extruded from that sketch plane.

Oddly enough there are some sketches I can trim, others I cannot, and very few that I can delete without deleting all the bodies extruded from them.

I could be missing something basic here… I’ve been using Shapr for many years now, but I have not used it in a few months until today.

Here is a Loom: iOS recording - 11 Jul 2024 | Loom


It’s part of the parametric update. You can adjust the sketch’s and it will update the body live too.

To delete the sketch’s you no longer want, go to the history panel (the clock icon on the right) and at the top there’s the option to merge either delete ok them. Merging unlinks the sketch from the body.

Parametric is a huge advantage, I’d watch some tutorials to get to know it.