Dimensional precision

In 2D drawings is their a way to change the default for the dimensional precision panel? I realize the decimal place can be changed, but it defaults to 2 digits………across all manufactures i have ever used its 3 digits, and if i forget, they cry, and cry, and gnash their teeth.

I have a few shops looking into Shapr3d, and i think at least one of the shops likes the idea of their machinist having a pad at their workspace…………it will improve their workflow, and limit the necessity for cumbersome back and forth communication. This will be a great fix for a lot of things like defaults etc.

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There currently isn’t a way to set it to default. As soon as I snap my first dimension and notice “.XX” I get reminded to change the precision.
I agree, .000” precision is pretty standard in machining.

To note on having an iPad at the machine: it’s great.
I manually machine personally, and though I try to dimension features that aid that process, if I miss something I can quickly snap a dimension.

Aside from that I don’t need to print anything for myself to reference.

We also have a large flatscreen in the shop on a swivel mount, so I can even screen mirror the drawing to it.

Just make sure to not have any metal chips stuck to your fingers when navigating the app!

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