Drawing: last update date format

Good morning (o;

Is there a way to modify the date format in the drawing?

Everything is localized except the date:

Bildschirmfoto 2022-03-15 um 11.39.12

thanks in advance


I assume this stays the way for the next couple of years as other requests (o;

Seconded to be able to change date format. Assuming an easy fix?

Drawing is definitely missing tools.

Seems folks are trying to imitate Blender with all materials and rendering (o;

I hoped this would be a Fusion 360 killer app…as there are no real alternatives on macOS Arm silicon.

Hi @davorin, I understand that you are missing features from Drawings. You can expect many improvements later this year.

Hello Istvan

So it’s gonna be a Fusion 360 killer app? :wink:

Honestly I’m using Shapr3D since beginning this year for 3D printing designs like USB desktop speakers…much easier than FreeCAD or F360 which takes 2 minutes to start up.

And if Linux would be supported as well that would be terrific…but that’s not gonna happen most probably due to the libraries used…

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For many, it is already, and we are working very hard to expand that circle :slight_smile:

The necessary effort to bring Shapr3D to Linux would be tremendous, and the opportunity is relatively small compared to that.

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