Drawings of imported geometry

I’m trying to make a drawing in Shapr3D of an assembly of bodies imported from another CAD package. So far, the software will not allow me to select the bodies to include on the drawing. What am I doing wrong?

All of the bodies in the Bodies item list get grayed out as soon as I try to create the drawing. I can’t select the bodies from the list or from the graphics window.

Additional info: It was originally imported as a Solidworks assembly. And, it won’t export. Error says “Create a body and turn on its visibility to include it in the export.” Even though there are clearly 21 bodies listed in the Bodies list.

Hi, Could you send us the .shapr file along with the Assembly file and part files from the other CAD software?

If you’d like to do it privately, could you please submit a ticket on the support portal?

Please note we accept large files via Google Drive or WeTransfer.