Dxf 3D

hello and best wishes to the entire Shapr3D team for the year 2023. I mainly work with two major applications on the iPad, Shapr3D for CAD, essential for drawing everything, and ArchiTouch3D for architecture. ArchiTouch is to architecture what Shapr3D is to CAD, that is to say the most efficient. Achitouch allows ‘dxf 3D’ exports, which can be retrieved on CAD applications. unfortunately for me, Shapr3D does not recover these files, while an application like TurboViewerPro recovers these files perfectly. would there be a solution? thank you for all your work, of exceptional quality. Good continuation to all. Alain Blanck.

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That’s interesting. I ought to see if Sketchup has Dxf 3d.

I would like to recover the “Dxf.3D” files with Shapr3D to add complex shapes to my architecture files. is there a possibility? With thanks.