DXF / DWG wrong paths

Upon exporting files from Illustrator I get this when I import them to Shap3r.

Upon opening the same file in illustrator it looks perfect.

Im using the latest version from the App store 3.56.2 (697) 302ce8600

The attached files are PNG and not DXF files so I was not able to try it out.

Here is the file.

That is an STL file and not a DXF file :slight_smile: Just for fun I went ahead and imported it into Shapr3D and that seemed fine. Except since it was from a triangle-based file you see all the residual triangles…

2021-01-13 17.38.56|581×520

Here is the resulting project file.
Gear.shapr (2.7 MB)

But your query was about importing DXF and not STL.

Ah sorry my mistake, here is the DXF: Gear1

Hello @Esseti, sorry to see that you have troubles. It is a known issue that will be solved in the next release of Shapr3D

Ok thank you, for now I’ll just manually fix some small issues.