Electric Motorcycle WIP

Started on the saddle.


I cut in some storage space under the saddle.

Just taking a quick overall view of form before I do the final work on wiring, headlight glass and any other loose ends.

These renders were done in Cadmio environments.


Here are some renders in Shapr3D Visualisations.

As there no metallic paint options yet, I just used red ABS for now.

I found that glass renders far better in Shapr than in Cadmio, in that objects behind the glass can be seen in Shapr. However in Shapr, objects made of glass behind the main glass lens or cover become invisible. That’s why I changed the front turn signal bulbs from orange glass to titanium.

Overall I’m very pleased with Visualisations as its excellent and included at no extra cost. Hopefully we will have camera lens perspective and DOF options added in the future.


Ignition switch and wiring/grommets.