Elements can no longer be rotated in the latest Windows version

I want to upload a small video because of an error, but I can’t because I’m a new user.

You can share the video with our Support team here and we can investigate your issue further

Since I still can’t host a video here, I’ve now done it on Vimeo.
Since the last update I can’t really delete restrictions, it’s become very tedious.
In the video you can see that I’m drawing a single line and I can’t rotate it because the constraints can’t be cleared.

Hi, It appears that the deleted button isn’t updating correctly on Windows. Thanks for bringing this to our attention and we will fix this in the near future. For the time being if you want to delete constraints ensure the delete button shows ‘Delete Constraints’. The best way to ensure this will happen is to make sure you have nothing selected (the delete button should be grayed out) before you start selecting constraints. After you select your constraints the delete button should shows ‘Delete Constraints’.

You’re welcome. Since the restrictions can only be deleted indirectly, this disrupts the whole flow when sketching and you need considerably more time.
Funny that others didn’t notice this?!
I’ll be happy if it works again quickly, I think I can’t update to an older version?