This was an error on my part, looks like Pinterest does not support SVG files. I apologize for my mistake.
For curiosity sake, are the sketches in the top view, or front, etc.? I’ve found I must export the top view only.
I was trying to export a SVG file directly to Pinterest, to a board I created. I was thinking the file could live on Pinterest server directly, and I could share those SVGs with anybody. It seems that SVG files are not supported(?), at least that is what I am reading. I could host my SVG files on a different platform, then take a PNG or JPG image of the SVG and use that image on Pinterest, with the Pinterest Pin containing the link to the server file. Basically, I misunderstood the use of Pinterest. It was my error, or ignorance/lack of knowledge.
Are you saying that you have been able to upload SVG files to Pinterest?
Thank you for educating me.
Not to Pinterest, but for cnc machines.
Thank you.