Export to x3d format

I’d like to request a feature to export to x3d format. I use Shpr3D to create 3D printed parts. One example is for custom labware adapters for an automated liquid handler. Their software, FluentControl accepts x3d format for their visualizations, and renders all items in 3D. Placement and setup of the worktable is handled directly through their 3D rendered pane using click and drag of the items.

I would love to be able to create my models, export to a format for a 3D printer and then use the same model to export to x3d format.

This would ensure that my rendered models through their software are accurate to what I created and more easily identifiable. As of now my 3D models through Shapr3D only go as far 3D printing. I’m unable to import the model into FluentControl. So unfortunately, all my creations are just blocks of the dimensions of what I created.