Feature Request: Title block & Tolerances on 2D drawings

I appreciate the addition of 2D drawings and am looking forward to more complete dimensioning. At this point I am annotating the remaining information in other programs.

Need to be able to add basic info to the title block. Such as: Revision, Date, Drawn By, Material, Notes, etc…

General tolerances
X.X = ±0.01
X.XX = ±0.005
X.XXX = ±0.001
X° = ±0.5°

Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing
Flatness, Perpendicularity, Profile, True Position, etc…
Feature control frames
Material modifers


Just wondering if these basic CAD features are on the road map?

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Yes, now we are heavily investing in Drawings. Many new features will arrive in the next few months.



Tolerances are here!


Istvan, the addition of basic tolerancing really helps to add more functionality to the drawings and it is greatly appreciated. Can you tell us about your road map to implementing more features to the drawings? Additions to the title block, datums, feature control frames, GD&T, etc…?

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Happy to jump in with more info. Drawings made it back to the roadmap recently and our team is planning to keep it in the spotlight for the ~ next half year moving forward also with the functionalities you mentioned above. While the order of these might change due to different priorities, at this time I can highlight a few items we are already looking into: title block improvements, holes/threads & call outs, detail view, multisheet drawings and then the list can go on of course :slight_smile:


I’m eagerly awaiting detail views. :smiley:

toutes ces nouvelles fonctions apportent un réel plus à mon flux de travail. principalement le nouvel outil de tolérance technique de dessin, mais les autres nouvelles fonctionnalités sont toutes les bienvenues. Chacune des nouvelles versions de Shapr3D apporte ses nombreuses nouvelles fonctionnalités, qui deviennent rapidement essentielles.
Ne changez rien, continuez.

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