More Features in 2D Technical Drawings

Please follow the format below for requesting a feature.

This feature will solve inaccuracies and help with complex manufacturing

I expect this feature to make it easier for complex manufacturers to use Shapr3D over Autodesk Inventor Pro.

*This feature should allow me to customize text size, add tolerances, and add detailed and section views. Views should also be aligned by default. These will help with more complex manufacturing.

** I cannot go into super detail with designs. In engineering, they show less dimensions so having views be auto-aligned is important. Also text is all the same size which can be problematic if you are adding important notes to explain complex parts. Tolerances are EXTREMELY important in manufacturing as they determine how big the error can be without affecting the consumer.**

I cannot use this app as a replacement for Inventor Pro in my engineering course in high school because it lacks some important features that are required for me to use.

Some parts of the requested features are already available (Section view and tolerances in particular), and we will focus on improving Drawings in the coming months, you can expect most of the mentioned features to come.

How do I add tolerances to 2D technical drawings?