Fill the extruded shape to have solid body for 3D print

How can i make a solid shape? For example: I make a shape in sketch and after that I extrude the height for 2 cm, for 3D printing, the extruded inner of the shape is hollowed and I need it to be solid because it will be a structure point. Is any way to have a solid body after extrude? If you use revolve you get solid bodies, but how can I make a sketch and after that to have it 2 cm tall and the inner to be solid not hollow.
Take a cube also for example, I make a square of 2 cm wide and extrude it 2 cm tall, but when I navigate inside the cube is hollow. How can I make it solid inside to have full material in 3D print.
Best regards

Extruding solid sketch profiles always results in a solid body. Shapr allows you to traverse inside a solid and make it appear hollow, but it is solid.

Thank you sir, for this information. I am new in Shapr3d and I didn’t knew this information. Best regards

Otherwise you can use loft to obtain a solid body.