First impressions new UI (alpha 5.440.0.5547)

I am opening the updated alpha for the first time and looking around. Here are some First impressions on the updated UI (iPad). I would take this with a big grain of salt because I’ve not tried to use it yet. Will try and spend some quality time with the new UI over the weekend.

  • Curious why “Visualize” is in two spots. Is there a difference in what these two options do?
    • Top left “Project” button
    • Tools->“Visualize”
  • Top center control
    • It is nice that the “title” of the document is in the top middle. It drives me crazy when they are “untitled,” and have also not liked that you have to exit the drawing to give it a name. I would love if I could click on the name to edit/rename it in that new control
    • My first thought, when I saw the “redo”/“Undo” buttons are now at the top, is they are too far away. I liked having them down in easy reach of my non-drawing hand… Not used them yet. That was just my first impression. Concept draw uses a 2-finger double tap to undo which I find helpful (but hidden)
  • A LOT of screen real-estate is now used by controls on the left, right, and top. It will be interesting to see if it feels too intrusive or not. I’ve felt cramped before. I changed the setting to “On Hover, On All Buttons” to see how that works out
  • I can imagine using “search” a lot. In the 3 seconds I’ve played with it I think I will use it a lot for everything except line, rect, and circle. I honestly was always super overwhelmed with the menu options and always had a hard time finding things like “split”, and “union” because there were so many options that were not alphabetized (I am sure there is an order, but I did not know what it was). I would LOVE to have a search in materials view. I feel like I scroll for ever searching for the material I want to select.
  • I think I am going to miss seeing what the current units are directly on the screen. I tend to switch between units like inch and mm a lot (not sure if that is common or not). I intuitively know how big things are in feet/inches, so when I am just rough drawing an idea, I tend to work in those units. But if I am drawing something precise to fit some part, I am measuring from I work in mm but will switch if I need to think about how big in real life it will be. (sorry I know this is a USA problem)
  • There is a little “-” line above or below some controls. I feel like that means they should be dockable or draggable, but I can’t sort out how you would move them around the screen.
  • Big improvement with the history list being behind the clock button. I need to test it out.
    • When I change a value it does not take effect until I close the history menu. I was expecting it to happen immediately but admittedly that can be confusing in many cases.
  • In “section view” I always wished I could move/rotate the section plane around wh

Had to turn the menu option names back on. I now wish there was a way to turn them off for top level since I generally know what all those are but enable them for sub-menus since there are so many. (I know… never happy :wink: )

Can’t select some lines on sketch plane.

I mirrored a small arc. Now I can’t select it to put a constraint with another line

I did not expect hidden bodies to become visible when I lock/unlock a constrain

Thanks for the reports and the detailed videos, we’re checking them.

The mirror issues you see come from the combination of two limitations:

  1. mirroring a sketch creates a new sketch, even if it’s mirrored onto the same plane
  2. it’s not possible to set up constraints between coplanar sketch elements

We aim to fix both in upcoming releases. In the meanwhile, the only (admittedly, quite cumbersome) alternative is to manually draw the other parts of the sketch and use a symmetry constraint so maintain a perfectly mirrored state.


One struggle is there are soooooo many sketches now

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But how did you end up with so many sketches? Are those all on the same plane so they would’ve been just a single one in the live version of the app?

Note: there’s a bug which keeps empty sketches

I think it must be empty sketches. I am not sure why there are so many. A lot the sketches cannot be select ed. I think I was drawing on ~4 planes.

At the moment when you start a sketch (eg. double tap on a plane) we create a new sketch, and won’t delete it even if you don’t have any sketch elements in it. To be fixed soon.