In shapr3d the Z-axis is the vertical axis just like with most 3D printers. But some other 3D programs ( Forger and Apple reality Converter/composer) the Y-axis is considered as the vertical axis.
This means that I usually have to rotate my models in shapr3d before exporting them to Forger.
Blender does have an option to set the axis when importing. Forger doesn´t.
What is considered correct? And would it be possible to add an option to flip/convert the world cordinates when exporting?
Hi Christian, at the moment the way around will be to rotate the grid before exporting. A specific feature for this is not on our near plans but I already share your feedback with our product team.
From an engineering, manufacturing, and mathematical perspective, Z is always the vertical axis. I have no idea why the two companies would define anything other than Z as the vertical axis. It is universal, or it was, until these other 3D programs chose to make it different. I suspect they are working around an intellectual property (patent) issue, where some entity has called out the vertical Z axis as proprietary. Regardless, it is silly for this industry to vary away from the Z axis being a vertical standard.