The problem that this feature will solve:
Currently any object exported in OBJ format that is inputted into Epic’s Unreal will be turned +90 degrees. So a house will have the front door sticking up in the air (hard to get in).
Although this can be done in Unreal, it would be better to allow optional (and persistent) rotation in Shapr3D.
Unreal after import:
While rotation can be done on import with Unreal (on x,y and z axis), most assets go through something like Adobe’s Substance Painter which DOES NOT have the ability to rotate on import. As such all assets imported from Shapr3D will be rotated 90 on the X.
Adobe’s Substance Painter is used throughout the industry from everything from buildings to the small items you see in games.
Obviously attempting to paint the UV’s on something that is +90 on the X can be problematic.
Brief description of the outcomes that you expect from this feature:
An option that allows rotation on the X, Y or Z axis on export. (In my case, I need an export of -90 degrees on the X for Adobe and Unreal).
This would eliminate the problems importing objects into industry standard programs like Adobe’s Substance Painter and would go a long way to making Shapr3D a standard tool in the developers toolkit.
As it stands, there are methods to doing this translation, but it adds another step in the workflow.
What can’t you achieve without this feature?
As I indicated, the OBJ export does not allow an adjustment of the rotation so that objects are rotated “90 degrees the wrong way” for standard industry tools like Adobe Substance Painter. Although this rotation can occur (we hope — it is currently being investigated) it is another step in the workflow that should be part of the exporter.
Is this a workflow blocker for you? Is this why you can’t use Shapr3D for work? Is this slowing you down?
It is definitely a workflow blocker until we determine the best method to do the rotation.