Future update to hide "fake pointer"

Hello everyone,
i am using the SpaceMouse from 3D Connexion with shapr. First of all, kudos for making this work so well.

Is it possible to give an option to hide the “fake pointer” in a future update? I am talking about the pivot point that appears during the orbit.

thank you


Thanks for the feedback. We’ve considering adding it as an option, but we also try to avoid overwhelming the apps with config options that aren’t really used too much. Could you help me understand why (and when) would you like to disable this visualization?

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thank you for the answer. I understand that the strength of Shapr lies in its simplicity.
I was thinking about screencapturing, that way i can show some different views of my model.

Hmm, that makes perfect sense, our own videographers have asked for this for the very same reason: the SpaceMouse allows for a very smooth movement that can be pretty good to create nice showcase videos. Would you record such videos in visualization mode or in the modeling space?

hey, sorry for the late answer. I would use both…but I use it more for the modeling space, although it makes sense for the visualization mode. :thinking:

I think I would use it in the visualization mode if it had the ability to display the lines of the model.

something like this