Geometric Pattern Diamond

I need your help. How to reproduced the pattern in attachment.
Create the module and be able to duplicate it on a cylinder.
Thanks a lot.

Something similar was tried here

Tried it again with your example, use polygon tool as a guide, and sketch the folds so you can loft them.


Thanks a lot SCALEMODEL.
I can’t reproduce it.
I don’t understand the Loft part.

I think viewing different angles should makes it more clear

Yes it is much better with the video.
Actually, I just need the flat pattern unfolded.
See attachment for the beginning of my search.
At the moment it looks like diamonds. Yours is perfect.

Thank you again.

There is also an app that unfolds your 3d model.

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Yes but my problem is how to create the pattern module. I can not reproduce the folding effect with the hollows and spikes. That’s what I need.
Thank you again.

Here I am (see attached file)
I have the pattern but not the grooves and reliefs of the lozenges. It’s flat.

and the shapr file
shapr3d_export_2025-01-09_07h43m.shapr (2,8 Mo)

I think you are getting stuck because your sketch doesn’t not reflect the 3d folds.

OK, I will review the sketch but my problem remains the same.
How to give volume and folds not to be flat?
This is where I block…
thank you

I think just imagining what you are looking for is bit confusing.

So if you could imagine a house roof, top side is 3D, but bottom you want flat, that would be the pattern module you are trying to create?

Here is a example

thanks for your help but I still can’t draw the sketch in 3D space.
Can you share your shapr file so I understand the technique?
thanks again

geometric shade.shapr (713.8 KB)

If I may add to this. First, I don’t know how you would use a 3D sketch to create your desired shape.

I took a Subtract approach in steps to make the upper portion of your chiseled body.

The 1st piece to subtract is created from a lofted body. The 2nd piece to subtract was done with Split Body two times. A 3-point construction plane was used at the split. Union the two major bodies and do a rotation pattern. Finally use Intersect to create the finished upper portion of your desired shape. The method above can be used to create the lower portion. Hope this offers a different way to construct.

I realized after upload the top guides are missing so reattached.

geometric shade.shapr (722.8 KB)

Funny but true, while back I had to make sea of Roofs!

3d Printed flat with fold marks so it can be folded and glued on top, these diamond pattern reminded me of that.

Your roof lines are a thing of nightmares.

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It’s great SCALEMODEL!
However, how do you go from 1 to 2? (see screen copy).
I can’t extrude any other.
Thank you again