History alert with no message

See attached.

Could you please share this design exported as a .shapr file here, or via a direct message to me or an email to beta@shapr3d.com ? It’d make it a lot easier to debug what’s happening. Thanks!

Sent you a PM

Just to confirm: we could reproduce it and we’ll hopefully have a fix in a few weeks. The root cause is the projection of self-intersecting splines: it causes an internal error due to a bug. It’s not yet completely clear if it causes and further issues or just this annoying warning.


I have noticed that same error symbol in a design where i had deleted a few lines in a sketch and added new ones then rolled past the extrude which created fine but the error symbol still showed up next to the Sketch. It is like it has lost it reference which does not make sense because it created the extrude just fine. I had to delete the sketch and recreate it to get rid of the error symbol.

Thank you

Anytime you run into something like that, it’d be great if you could export the design as a .shapr file and send it to us either here or via beta@shapr3d.com. We’ll investigate all of these and fix them one-by-one as we get closer to a stable release.