Hope shapr3d support apple vision pro

I imagine that I wear vision pro to make things with shapr3d.


vision pro is not available for nowadays ,is it?

I have seen shapr3d works well in vision pro in my vision. :slight_smile:
I hope they have time to develop until vision pro release.

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Vision Pro is a VR-Ipad so why should they not.

Enjoying seeing Istavan’s posts on the progress of Shapr3D on AVP. I would be super glad to be on the beta list if you have something that can use feedback.

Hi Yepher,

Shapr3D on Vision Pro will be available for our Enterprise clients only, and we won’t run a public beta program for it.


What cost it for a one man show?

Set up and run jobs from AVP, all without a computer. I would love to go from Shapr3D to machine setup all on AVP.


Sorry to hear this.

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Kind of rude to paying customers since we all are, but maybe that should be something that’s stated more prominently instead of touting it like it’s going to be generally available.


A bad decision in my opinion to make this Enterprise only. Just that 5ct of a paying customer.

100% a terrible decision to make it enterprise only. And honestly, very upset about it.

At an enterprise level with CAD/modeling, people are using Windows computers, not Macs or iPads. And if they are using a windows machine, I promise you that last thing anybody is thinking about is Shapr3d. It’s great for iPad and Macs, because most other CAD software on Macs is very average to begin with.

Not sure on the numbers but I am willing to bet a million dollars that the majority of their consumer base are NOT enterprise users. And let me tell you this, no enterprise level is buying a Vision Pro for CAD/modeling, at least not at any serious level.

Just open up the feature to your true consumer base, the average Apple user. I understand the drive to want to make it big at the enterprise level, but hate to break to the Shapr3d team; SolidWorks, AutoCAD, Blender, etc are all light years ahead in terms of tools and functionality for enterprise consumers and engineers.

Hi @DawnVega , I understand that you are disappointed. As I said on the other thread, we defined the functional requirements for our Vision Pro product so that provides value for bigger teams, not much for the individual. As an individual you can still use Shapr3D on Vision Pro using Virtual Mac, and export to USDZ to look at your designs in 3D. Shapr3D is currently adopted by 36% of the F500 in different verticals, mainly in consumer goods, automotive, aerospace and defense industries. Roughly 30% of our enterprise customers are using our product on Apple products as well.

Hi Istvan,
I simply don’t understand. You could have the first CAD software on this platform, which would drive a ton of users to your software, even if you do think it is “gimmicky”. Thats huge. The AVP is clamoring for real workflow applications, especially for 3d modeling, and you already have it up and running, but won’t release it for the individual user? Hell I’d bet Apple promotes the hell out of it for you. Unless there is a technical reason not to release it, this makes absolutely zero business sense nor customer relations sense. For me, the ability to modify files and see the 3d output in almost real time instead of the clunky workflow would be huge. Let ME decide if the workflow is worth my time and money. Don’t infantilize your users by thinking you know better. It’s a bad look and leaves a sour taste in the users mouths. I truly hope you reconsider and put this on the near term roadmap, OR properly explain the technical reason why you can’t do it.


Thank you for reposting the same message, but I had read that. It’s an insufficient answer. What I’m saying is that the features you are showing that exist NOW are valuable to me and others in this community, and should be released. Virtual Mac is a stop gap solution, and it’s a pain to export the USDZ, then airdrop it the Vision Pro, then open it, each time I want to see the 3D render. I apologize if this comes off entitled, but there are a lot of people excited about what you have already, and if its good enough for enterprise, it should be in a good enough state for users. I hope you reconsider, both for the username and the growth of your platform.


As an engineering student, I would love the ability to natively move from system to system and have a fully integrated workflow, including the ability to see a physical model and make changes on the fly. Even if not all team members use an Apple Vision Pro for a team project, you could still mirror the view to a projector for the rest of the team to see what you’re describing. This feature would especially be helpful in the Aerospace Engineering club I run for a 3D-printed rocket that we intend to compete with.