How can I control the offset edge tool dynamically?

I have been making use of variables for a lot in the new version but one tool that doesn’t seem to work with them is the Offset Tool.

Why is this?

It’s pretty important for me to be able to control offsets in my designs.

I’ve even tried to manually create a controllable offset but the constraints available seem too limiting. I don’t see a way to constrain two angles to be equal, which seems like it would be necessary in order to create an offset, but maybe someone else has a different approach?

My approach:

  1. Draw a polyline around the shape I want to offset.
  2. Connect the related verticies with a construction line
  3. Constrain the dimension of the construction line to be my offset
  4. Constrain the angles on both sides of the construction line to be equal… but how???

I know if I have understood correctly, but to make it simple here is a sketch.

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Hi how was the offset of 1CM accomplished?

I don’t get variable on offsets

1 cm is the offset of FaceOffset in History.
I’ve selected all the faces but you can change it.
Change 1cm by -1 and all the faces are modified.
See screenshot.

And here the file.
sample.shapr (22,0 Ko)

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I get it now your offsetting the dimension of the extruded model vs offsetting the sketch, got it thanks.

If you are looking for offset constraint in Shapr its a missing feature, every other Parasolid based has it though, the feature has been requested by others.

