How can I solidify this model?

Upon exporting my model as an STL , I discovered the model being hollow along the edge. To create each of the three sections shown, I used the circle tool to create each shape, extruded it to set the height, then used the fillet tool to round it out. I then used the Shell tool to open the middle. Lastly I stacked each shape on top of each other and used the Union tool to combine.

I’m having this issue with just the top and bottom layer. The middle is properly filled. I discovered that the top layer was fully open on the bottom, so I attempted to “seal” it, but no luck. Any thoughts? I’ve attached a link to the screenshots of each of the 3 layers in the slicer:

It’s hard to tell, not your fault Imgur keeps popping up with bs when I try to zoom, but from what I can see on my phone it’s not so much an opening it’s a skin. So the wall is requiring a “fill” based on the color coding on the right panel. It also might be that the top layer isn’t square but like I said, can’t really zoom enough.

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I’d start with opening up your Shapr file and using the section view to see if there’s any weirdness going on.

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Agreed, since shapr doesn’t have moving section view (despite repeated requests) you can select the top face, hit section view, then grab the object and slowly move it up to view the inside. If you see a void you can edit it in section view to get rid of it. I often do this to get around it and check parts, especially when I start printing an object and notice weird artifacts at certain layers.

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This was kind of a drag for me too, and I’m not probably bringing up anything new, but if I have created an assembly and want to view the inside dynamically, I just draw a big rectangle in front of it and extrude it with “subtract” turned on, and I can move it back and forth just like a moving section view. I usually just copy the assembly first and extrude it to where I want the section to stop so I can refer to it, and delete it when I’m done.

I’m not sure how that would work with a mesh though.

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Don’t know if this helps, but you can make the mesh semi-transparent and look inside.


It’s amazing how we as users have found ways around the feature requests that aren’t prioritized or issues sometimes quicker than they can be solved haha.

If I read OP right, I believe this was built in shapr and exported as stl or 3mf for slicing. If it was just downloaded they shouldn’t need shapr at all. If there is an issue with the file they can send me a message and I’ll link them to a site that fixes stls for free and eliminates these problems. I’ve used it before on problem downloads.

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Thanks so much for your suggestions. I tried using Section View, but it wouldn’t allow me to offset any of the faces. I’m going to redo the model and use the subtract tool to hollow out the box, instead of using the Shell, in hopes of avoiding the skin.

Are you able to share the file? I’d take a look for you if it isn’t sensitive data.

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Second @Shaun I can take a look as well. You can DM a link and I’ll delete after. I have wayyyyy too much experience with 3d prints and model issues and can probably help resolve it without re-building.

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I appreciate you offering to take a better look. It took a fraction of the time to redo the model by just hollowing it out, and It turned out being much more efficient compared to the way I did it the first time. Thanks again for being so helpful.