How to apply a wallpaper to a screen (sur)face and have it appear in visualize?

Hi there. Please help with solving the above problem if you know how. The solution needed is how to place/apply a photo on a surface or object in Shapr modelling (area or visualize studioo, and have that applied photo appear realistically in the life-like visualize.

Like the Tv photo attached here.


Can’t be done with Shapr at the moment.

In visualize mode pictures just disappears, photos are just used for reference in Shapr.

But in model mode you can export screen capture that let you turn off grids and body outlines.

Wish they add it soon, as in Model mode the 3d object is not in realistic view yet.

Thanks for the suggestion. Just that in Model mode the 3d object does not have realistic view, making life-like previewing not possible with the (realistic) decal. Hope the option comes to Visualize soon.

A rendering software is what is really needed for this.
Cheapest option on iPad is Cadmio, you can drag materials and custom images onto you model parts.

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Thanks for that suggestion Stephen. It’s great to know there are mobile solutions, since PC software can be expensive.

Thanks a lot.