How to import a logo to project it onto any surface?

I would like to import my logo so I can project it onto any surface for CNC milling, 3D printing,… It seems like I cannot import DXF, DWG, SVG, EPS. But for projecting I need a vector image. How do I import a vector logo? Or is there another way to turn a PNG into vectors in Shapr?
Thanks for your help

You can definitely do this by importing a DXF.
As long as the DXF of the logo is okay.
It is easier if the DXF is on an axis plane at the start (for sanity reasons)
Just Import to current project.
Use the move tool to drag the imported logo sketch adjacent to the body face you want to project on to.
Select the geometry you want to project.
use the project tool to put it on the solid’s face.

You should be able to Import DXF or DWG. You also pointed out you want to turn PNG into vectors?

So are you trying to save PNG as DXF or you are trying to save Vectors as DXF but Shpar doesn’t open them?

PNGs you would need to use the spline tool and sketch over the logo image.

I meant a vector image. I wasn’t sure if a PNG would be sufficient

If I try to import the DXF or DWG I get the response unsupported layer… see screenshot. I started a new project, completely empty but nothing happens

I also cleaned up the logo. Only a minimum on control points


If you only want to mill with cnc, it is possible that you will get problems with the inner corners or radius.

Mit freundlichen Grüssen

Andreas Desiderius Haudenschild

Thanks for mentioning but first I need to import it into Shapr. That‘s where the problem is!

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I just made a DWG file from my graphics. And I imported it, with me it just didn’t import a part of the font completely but I think that’s a mistake of mine.

Ps: bitte

Mit freundlichen Grüssen

Andreas Desiderius Haudenschild :switzerland:

Did you import with “+Add“ or “import to current project” ?
For me both doesn’t work. Always the same reply. “Unsupported layers 0”

I’m not sure I understood her correctly. I clicked on share „teilen“and imported it like that. In it worked.
If you want, I can send you my affinity designer file to try it out.

Thanks for the offer but I would rather send you my DXF file to see if you can open it. Just to see if its me or the file

You’re a cabinet maker! I’m actually building a bar atm. So the logo will be milled into a stone for the front of the bar.

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I had similar issues with DXF vectors coming from an art program.

In this post there are various methods to resolve the issue.

If you still have problem post your DXF here there are ways to try to fix it.

I created the DXF myself. The file is very clean. The problem is I cannot import it into Shapr. I would appreciate any advice for the import procedure

In the post above both of our lines was created by ourself, it’s not about that its about the complexity and the handle bars being used in your case Illustrator I believe.

You can explode the logo in 2d CAD program like I mentioned QCAD in the post.

Or the Inkscape method I suggested.

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I did a quick search and found similar logo.

Exploaded in QCAD

Original SVG (8.4 KB)

Converted SVG (Can’t open in Shapr) (8.8 KB)

Exploaded (Works opens in Shapr) (67.4 KB)

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I tried but now I haven’t come across a solution that works.