How to place a rod in the centre of a hole

Hi. I can’t figure out how to place a rod exactly in the centre of a hole. Seems simple, but I can’t seem to find a way to do it. Anyone?


Use the align tool. Select the end of the rod and edge of the hole.

So simple. But one has to align the base of the rod and the bottom of the hole, not the edge. But that works brilliantly.

But now I have another issue:
How to place a rod in the centre of a hole which has no base. The screenshot is my placing the rod meticulously by hand, nudging it left/right by ever smaller increments. Not very satisfactory. Is there a way to get S3D to do the heavy lifting?

With this name I can only point to the manual :slight_smile:


Translate tool will help, the snap points will jump to the center…