If I delete one of my accounts, will I be able to change another account’s email to that deleted one?

So, I am wondering… If I delete one of my accounts on Shapr3D, will I be able to change my second account’s email to that deleted one?
I have 2 accounts, one with my school email, and a second with my regular email. I want to delete the account with my school email on Shapr3D, and change my regular account’s email to my school email. Will that work? If I already created an account with my school email, but deleted it, will I still be able to change my regular account’s email to that school email I have?

Following the deletion of your Shapr3D account linked to your school email, you can then update your primary account’s email to this school email. To do so, go to the Account page, click “Change” beside “Email,” and proceed as guided. Ensure you back up your designs by exporting them in .shapr format prior to account deletion.

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