Importing Failure Parasolid and Step

I´m doing some Assemblys where i got some Parts that are .x_t files and some others (mostly fasteners) are .step files. If i first import the Parasolid-File i can not import Step and most times vice versa.


The point between 10 and 9 in the naming is quite suspicious of causing the issue. Can you remove it and give opening the file a try?

If that does not work, please share them here or in a support ticket using the link below:

thank you for your fast reply. everyting works fine now

Today i got the same failure as yesterday. The part i want to Import is the same as yesterday. (the file name is changed)
Because of a pending Patent-registration i am not allowed to share the file.

there is a workaround. when i shut down Shapr on the PC and restart it i can import the other file, but that is not efficient.

Yeah, that should work much smoother.

I know patent pending files are extremely valuable, but without the file, we are not able to investigate the problem. You can also send us the file in a support ticket, that way it will be kept completely confidential and will help us find the possible causes.

Kindly let me know if you are open to sharing the file directly with support, we are here to check it.

Im having a meeting with the Costumer today and i can ask if i can share it with you, but i think i can recreate the failure with just simple Parts, I let you know what happens.

btw. I am amazed how quick you answer and come up with an solution. That is great Custumer-Support.

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I opened a Support ticket and uploaded a recreation of the Failure

Thanks, I’ll check it soon