Importing models and components into other models

I’m an old Autocad guy - been on Shapr3d for about a month. Enjoying the advancements of the software but need to figure out how to get some of the components that I’m making into other models - the idea of “blocks” from cad. I’ve read that the answer may lie in a “project” file but I don’t understand the concept or how to do it. Surely there is a way to use model components in other models? Any help would be much appreciated.

Hi @TMG,

Welcome to the forum.

You can import files using Add->File menu.
You can export bodies that you have created with Shapr3D in various format to reimport them in an other project.

.shapr file is the proprietary format of Shapr3D. It will save bodies, plans, sketches, etc.
.xt is the prefered format do exchange bodies as it is the parasolid native format
.step is the most universally supported to import standard parts from web sites like


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It’s actually .x_t, just to dispel any confusion.

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