Importing stp files

Is it possable in the 14 day’s trial version to import an stp file?

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On the desktop computer it worked, but not om my Ipad. The files I’d like to import are located in a cloud surrounding. I can go to the right folder and the files (stp) are vaguely visible, but not clear like other file types such as pdf and dxf. Those files I can import. The stp I can’t. Is there a solution for this?

Is there a solution for this?

My downloaded .stp file is not greyed and I can open it on the iPad.

Some in the past reported issues downloading STEP files through Safari, is this a STEP file you downloaded? Others had better luck downloading it through Chrome.

I try again , but not work in safari

This is how it looks.

PDF’s are importable, the stp’s are not! Can anybody explain this?

Have you tried to replace the file suffix from .STP to .STEP and see if it imports?

Yes I did, that didn’t solve the problem. On a windows desktop there was no problem to import them.

Are those files stored on some cloud services?

The files app on the iPad may not allow the download of certain file types in the import flow. In these cases, you have to manually save the files on the device (e.g. downloads folder) and load them into Shapr3D from the offline location. Can you please give this solution a try?