Is there a way to change the length of this object on just one axis?

I made this simple couch shape.
I would like to make it longer. From the 6’ it is to 7’6”.
I don’t seem to be able to select the edges and faces and translate them the 18”.
I cant find a way to split the object at a plane and then add the 18”
Is there a way to change the length the of this object on just one axis?

Thanks for your thoughts.

You don’t need to use a plane in this case. Here’s an easy way to widen your couch. Double tap on a flat surface, draw a rectangle of arbitrary width and subtract the rectangle thru the couch. Move one end 1.5’ and use Replace Face to bring the couch surfaces together and then use Union. Your 6’ couch is now 7’-6".



Thanks so much Mike!
That makes perfect sense. Just needed to think of it in the right way. So obvious once you showed me.

This community is so great.