"Items" Sidebar keyboard support

The problem that this feature will solve:
Performing tasks in the Items menu with a keyboard and mouse is tedious because there isn’t any support for keyboard navigation through the list.

Brief description of the outcomes that you expect from this feature:
Adding support for a “focus” state on an entry in the Items menu would enable adding keyboard shortcuts to perform actions on the focused entry.

Here’s a rough example of how something like this might work:
When the Items menu is first opened and nothing is focused, the down arrow key could focus the top item. Focus could then be changed with the up/down arrow keys. The right/left arrows keys could have multiple functions depending on what is being focused. For collapsed folders, the right arrow key would expand them and if they were also selected, the left arrow key would deselect the folder. For expanded folders, the right arrow key would select that folder and the left arrow key would collapse it. For everything else, the left and right arrow keys would deselect or select the item, respectively.

Regardless of if the above implementation is used, here’s some of the actions I’d like to be able to do on entries (bodies, folders, etc.) in the Items menu without touching my mouse:

  • rename
  • isolate
  • delete
  • select/deselect
  • add to new folder

What can’t you achieve without this feature?
Large woodworking projects (e.g. custom builtin cabinets) can quickly grow to hundreds of parts (especially when you duplicate every part to lay them out on a cut sheet). Stopping to name each part while designing interrupts the creative process. I prefer to go back and group and name everything at the end. This is very tedious, especially when certain functions (renames) are hidden behind context menus.