Items Un-hiding or popping up in sketch mode


This might be a Bug. When I go to Create a 2D sketch on a plane it un-hides other objects in one of my Folders. I think the objects that are in the folder the new sketch plane is will be placed are the ones being displayed. But I am not sure about that. Also How do I specify which folder a newly created sketch plan is going to live?

Thank You

Same here. Uncontrolled un-hiding

I think this happens when your new sketch is on the same plane as a hidden one. I’ve found that creating a construction plane and moving it slightly off that plane will help.

No, this happens for me when i double tap on a body with the pencil to select it on the iPad. It’s happening with increasing regularity

Hey All,
Please create some screen recordings with the Items Manager opened and share them in a support ticket or here in the forum, we’ll check them.

Thanks in advance